
Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Pacific Full of Plastic

I’m sure that you are wondering where all of this trash is winding up. I have mentioned the location of Punta Allen, Mexico and the battle they are waging with the trash monster. There is a lot of information still to come on that, as well as the trash war occuring at Alaska's Gore Point. But for right now, check out this video on what is commonly known as the “pacific gyre” AKA the “pacific vortex” “garbage patch” or “the floating island.”
Quick facts about this gorilla of ocean garbage:
-          Technically called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
-          Located in the northern section of the Pacific Ocean
-          It mostly consists of plastic
-          It is the largest landfill in the world, and it is floating in the ocean
-          It has actually gotten so large that it has broken into two separate gyres:  The Western Pacific Garbage Patch, and the Eastern Pacific Garbage Patch
-          Scientists have estimated that the Eastern Patch is bigger than the size of Texas.
Without further ado, CHECK IT OUT!


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